ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder involving the brain’s executive functioning, affecting attention, organization, and self-control.
ADHD is a life-long condition that first appears during childhood. However, symptoms vary in type and severity, and ADHD can go unnoticed until adulthood. When left undiagnosed and untreated, people with ADHD may struggle with other mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or substance use disorder (SUD).
Wendy is a skilled psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner who takes a personalized and collaborative approach to mental health. She diagnoses and treats ADHD in people ages 10 and older.
Only a mental health professional like Wendy can diagnose ADHD. During an evaluation, she looks for common signs and symptoms.
ADHD symptoms fall into three general categories:
Inattention makes it hard to focus, complete tasks, pay attention to conversations, and follow instructions.
Hyperactivity in ADHD makes it hard to stay still. A child with ADHD may struggle to sit in their chair during class, while an adult with ADHD may feel the need to always be doing something.
Impulsivity is challenging to control. Interrupting conversations and difficulty waiting their turn are impulsivity symptoms in ADHD.
ADHD is a long-term mental health condition. If you struggle to get tasks done or have a hard time sitting still and it’s affecting your ability to learn or work, you should schedule a consultation with Wendy.
You should also seek help if you have ADHD and your current plan is no longer working.
Wendy conducts a thorough psychiatric evaluation to determine a diagnosis and understand your current emotional state.
Treatment for ADHD includes medication and therapy. Wendy provides medication management for ADHD, helping you get on the right drug and dose to improve focus.
Therapy for ADHD may include behavioral therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and help with organization and life skills.
Wendy never rushes through appointments and makes herself accessible by quickly returning phone calls and answering messages.
For comprehensive ADHD care from a compassionate provider, call the office of Wendy Ann Reiss, MSN, PMHNP-BC, today or schedule an appointment online.