Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that starts during the early development of the brain and nervous system. TS is a type of tic disorder.
Tics are any unexpected sounds or movements that occur repeatedly, like shrugging the shoulders, blinking, or throat clearing. People with tics are aware of their sound or movement but have little control over them.
Motor tics like repetitive shoulder shrugging are a symptom of Tourette Syndrome. However, only a medical professional can diagnose the neurodevelopmental condition.
Tourette Syndrome symptoms fall into two categories:
Shoulder shrugging, facial grimacing, and neck stretching are some of the motor tics that occur in people with Tourette Syndrome. They can also have complex motor tics like hopping or jumping.
Vocal tics include throat clearing, sniffing, or shouting. People with TS may also have complex vocal tics, which are words or phrases that occur out of context.
TS tics usually appear between ages 5 and 7 and tend to worsen in frequency and severity up until age 12. The tics then improve during adolescence and may disappear. However, tics with Tourette Syndrome can continue into adulthood.
Tourette Syndrome often co-occurs with other mental health conditions like anxiety and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Wendy specializes in diagnosing and treating Tourette Syndrome in people 10 and older.
Researchers are still investigating the underlying cause of TS, but it tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic link. It’s also theorized that environmental and developmental factors may contribute to the onset of the tic disorder.
Researchers also believe brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin may be involved in the development of Tourette Syndrome.
Wendy takes a patient-centered approach to care, taking the time to get to know you and your child to fully understand all concerns and goals. She also performs a psychiatric evaluation to confirm or rule out TS and any other co-occurring conditions.
She customizes treatment plans for Tourette Syndrome based on the severity of the tics. Treatment may include:
The goal of treatment for Tourette Syndrome is to reduce the frequency and severity of the tics.
Call the office of Wendy Ann Reiss, MSN, PMHNP-BC, today or book an appointment online to learn more about Tourette Syndrome and treatments.